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Benefits of Membership

Excellent way to connect with other business women in the FM area. 


Networking groups create ambassadors who will tell about you and connect you with the right prospects. 


Opportunity to develop presentation skills. 


Build friendships with like minded women. 


Gain an audience through additional exposure on social media through spotlights on the WiN Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Meeting Information

Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at Lucky’s 13 in Fargo. (4301 17th Ave S, Fargo, ND)
The meeting begins at 11:30AM and ends at 1PM. Our goal is to be time effective which means we follow a set agenda. 

For more information see our Facebook Page:

We invite guests to attend up to 2 meetings. Then if you determine that this group is a good fit for you we invite you to submit an application for membership.

This group is for women only and is non-competitive, one member per business category.  

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